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作者: 经典奇迹网页版 来源:www.53ART.org.cn 发布时间:2018-10-01

关键词: ┊阅读:次┊

CONVENTION (表示蔑视、不同意或拒绝)滚开,去你的 Get is used in rude expressions like get stuffed and get lost to express contempt, disagreement, or refusal to do something.


PHRASE 你真是太走运了/你真是蠢得无可救药了 You can say, for example, 'How lucky can you get?' or 'How stupid can you get? ' to show your surprise that anyone could be as lucky or stupid as the person that you are talking about.

I mean, how crazy can you get?



PHRASE 叫…不要指望;叫…别做梦 If you tell someone where to get off, you tell them in a rather rude way that you are not going to do or agree to what they want.

If somebody tried to do that to you, you'd just go right up to them and tell them where to get off.



PHRASE 有;存在 You can use you get instead of 'there is' or 'there are' to say that something exists, happens, or can be experienced.

You get a lot of things like that now, don't you...


That's where you get some differences of opinion.


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